C Godfrey MA, B Vet Med, MRCVS 06/09/05

“This letter certifies that I have known Ms Anderton and her family for many years and have always found her to be a thoroughly reliable and very capable person. She most certainly has the ability and sense needed for setting up her own business and exercising her very useful skills as a groomer. Her work is always first class, and her ability at handling difficult animals is not short of remarkable. I am sure she will well repay any effort put into training her in business methods, and I am happy to be recommending her to my bankers as a sound prospect for them to back. On the practical side, we are able at this surgery to provide a good number of recommendations of her skill to our own clients, safe in the knowledge that they will be pleased with her work. This clinic will give her all the backing we can, and she will surely find her work well appreciated by others as well.”